
In most developing countries women (mothers, sisters and daughters) are the 2nd class citizen of the country.


R.A. Kartini (1879 – 1904), Indonesia’s national hero for women emancipation:

Girls that have clever minds and broad perspective will not be able to live in the mindset of their ancestors

In most developing countries women are underachievers and the 2nd class citizen of the country simply because they are women. In some countries they are even denied basic rights such as voting and education. They can’t decide for themselves what to wear, whom to marry (or not), when to go out with friends. There are already too many cases, where women with potential to make changes and being leaders are pressed to accept their “destiny and roles” as women and live by the rules created by men.

Bill Gates, Founder of Gates Foundation, in 2010:

If you are not fully utilising half the talent in the country, you’re not going to get too close to the top

Women in Indonesia

Women in Indonesia are generally treated way better than in most developing countries. They have equal rights like men and can do the tasks as good as men, if not better.

However, women leadership is still sorely missing especially in the private sector. There are seldom or only a few of Indonesian women that hold a CEO position, be it in big corporate companies or in startups. It’s because there is still this traditional dogma in Indonesia that men can lead better (therefore men must be a leader, not women), and women’s position is to support the men (husbands) from “backstage”.

With Bulan Project we want to change the dogma. We want to instil some beliefs, that women too can lead, and that women can support the family and lead a business just as good, at the same time.

Photo by Sebastian Staines on Unsplash